One Minnesota
Minnesota Horizons 2003
Minnesota Horizons 2003:
Making Good Decisions in Tough Times
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
St. Paul Radisson Riverfront
The Blandin Foundation
organized and facilitated the afternoon session for legislators and legislative
staff. The program focused on developing leadership in difficult times. David
Gergen, political commentator, adviser to four presidents and Harvard professor,
was the featured speaker. His address focused on the challenges of leadership
in the current political and economic climate. The remainder of the afternoon
was devoted to facilitated discussions of the leadership themes identified in
Mr. Gergen's speech and the application of those themes to the
legislature and the legislative session. The program was followed by a
Keynote Address: David
Replay (RealAudio)
David Gergen has been a White House advisor to four U.S. Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton, and is the best-selling author of Eyewitness to Power, the Essence of Leadership. He currently serves as editor-at-large at U.S. News & World Report and is a regular analyst on ABC: Nightline. He is a professor of public service at Harvards Kennedy School of Government, where he also directs the Center for Public Leadership.
As the 21st Century begins, Gergen argues that our success as a country will depend heavily on the success of a new generation in power. Drawing on his many experiences in the White House and more than 30 years of public life, Gergen offers seven vital elements for leadership: inner mastery; a central compelling purpose rooted in moral virtue; a capacity to persuade; skills in working within the system; a fast start; a strong, effective team; and a passion that inspires others to keep the flame alive.
Brochure from
of the Horizons Program