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Frequently Asked Questions About the Minnesota Legislature

How do I find information about a bill if I don't know the bill number, bill author or anything else other than a general topic?

You can use the basic search tool for House bills or Senate bills to look for bills by session, keyword, author, topic, and more from 1995 to the present. Other specialized search tools are noted on the main Bills search page. If you do not have internet access, there are public computers in the Legislative Reference Library on the third floor of the Minnesota Senate Building or the third floor of the State Capitol in room 321.

To identify bills older than 1995 by topic, use the topical index of the House Journals and Senate Journals in print, which are available in many libraries, including the Legislative Reference Library. See the Legislative History Guide for more information about researching bills older than 1995.

How to Follow a Bill is a helpful guide to tracking bills currently before the Legislature. The House and Senate Index Offices also track the status of current bills. They can help you find a particular piece of legislation. Call House Index at 651-296-6646 or Senate Index at 651-296-2887. To receive a copy of the bill once you locate it, call the Chief Clerk's Office in the House at 651-296-2314 or Senate Information at 651-296-0504. For further information on this topic, see the Bills topic of this FAQ.