Find out who represents you or if you know who represents you, use the House Member Information and Senate Member Information pages to see their contact information.
You can call, email, or write a letter to your legislator. To speak to your representative or senator in person, contact their office to make an appointment.
Email is most effective if it is not a blanket mailing to all members. When sending an email, remember to include your name, postal address, and phone number.
Address Format - Representatives
Representative's offices are located in the Centennial Office Building East of the Capitol.
Honorable (Full Name)
Minnesota House of Representatives
(Room #) Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155-1298
Begin your letter: Dear Rep. (Last Name):
Address Format - Senators
Senator's offices are located in the Minnesota Senate Building North of the Capitol.
Honorable (Full Name)
Minnesota State Senate
(Room #) Minnesota Senate Building
95 University Avenue West
St. Paul, MN 55155-1606
Begin your letter: Dear Sen. (Last Name):