How to Follow a Bill
How to Follow a Bill
Find a bill and its status
Search for bills by bill number, author, topic, statutory citation, and by keyword in the bill's description.
Bill status information includes the companion bill number, authors, a short description of the bill, a list of actions taken on the bill to date, and a link to the full text of the bill.
Follow legislation through the process
- What items will be discussed on the floor today (Daily orders of business)
- What items will be discussed at committee meetings (Schedules)
- Summary of what happened on the floor for a particular day (Journals)
You can also use the journals to find out how each legislator voted.
- Summary of activity during a particular week
- Bill summaries
- House - Staff from the House Research Department, the nonpartisan research and legal services office for the House of Representatives, summarize significant and/or lengthy bills.
- Senate - Staff from Senate Counsel and Research, the nonpartisan research and legal services office for the Senate, summarize selected bills.
- Committee information
Find out when a bill has been signed or vetoed
Chapters and Resolutions - A list of all bills passed and sent to the Governor, including dates when they are signed or vetoed.
The Legislative Library maintains a database of bills vetoed since 1939.
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