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The following is the text of Executive Order 07-02, which establishes the Governor’s Veterans Long Term Care Advisory Commission:

I, TIM PAWLENTY, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and applicable statutes, do hereby issue this executive order:

WHEREAS, Minnesota veterans have served our country through extraordinary sacrifice to protect our liberty and freedoms and it is incumbent upon the state to ensure that their long term medical needs are met in settings that provide high quality care and services; and

WHEREAS, Minnesota established the veterans homes to provide for the long term care needs of veterans and there are currently five homes that provide services for over 850 veterans and their qualifying spouses around the state; and

WHEREAS, under current law, the veterans homes are administered and governed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 198; and

WHEREAS, the needs of Minnesota veterans and methods for providing appropriate long term care are changing and the state must ensure that the governance and administration of the Veterans Homes are structured in a manner that best ensures the provision of quality care to qualified veterans; and

WHEREAS, it is important to explore the most effective means and governance models for meeting the long term care needs of Minnesota’s veterans and to obtain insight and recommendations from a variety of professionals experienced in providing quality long term care and individuals familiar with the current and anticipated future needs of veterans.

NOW, THEREFORE, I hereby order the creation of the Governor’s Veterans Long Term Care Advisory Commission (“Commission”).

1. The Commission will be comprised of 7 public members appointed by the Governor as follows:

a. Four members should have significant knowledge and/or experience in the operation, administration or governance of long term care facilities.

b. Three members should have significant knowledge and experience in the long term care needs specific to veterans and be familiar with current standards and requirements applicable to facilities serving veterans.

c. The Governor will designate a public member to serve as the chair.

d. Members will serve at the pleasure of the Governor and the Governor will fill any vacancies.

e. Commission members will serve voluntarily for a one-year term and are not eligible for per-diem or payment of expenses.

2. The following public members will serve as ex officio members of the Commission:

a. A member of the Veterans Homes Board selected by the Governor;

b. The Commissioner of Veterans Affairs, the Adjutant General and the Commissioner of Health, or their designees.

c. The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives may each appoint a member to serve as an ex officio member of the Commission.

d. The Senate Majority Leader and the Senate Minority Leader may each appoint a member to serve as an ex officio member of the Commission.

e. The Senate or House of Representatives may, pursuant to their own rules and practices, allow for per diem or other payment of expenses to legislative ex officio members from legislative funds.

3. The Commission will provide recommendations to the Governor on long term care operations, administration, management and governance models which incorporate the best examples of innovative approaches to maximizing quality of care and quality of life for veterans, including:

a). Reviewing the current problems faced at some of the Veterans Homes, in particular the Minneapolis Veterans Home, regarding patient care;

b). Reviewing the current standards and legal requirements for providing long term care to veterans;

c) Surveying the methods used within Minnesota and in other states to successfully deliver high quality long term care services;

d) Surveying the service delivery and governance models currently used across the country to deliver long term care services to veterans and analyze which methods are the most successful in meeting the needs of veterans;

e.) Identifying practices, methods or other areas that Minnesota could adopt to improve the quality of care delivered to veterans; and

4. The Commission will begin meeting as soon as possible following the completion of the open appointments process.

Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 4.035, subdivision 2, this Executive Order will be effective fifteen (15) days after publication in the State Register and filing with the Secretary of State and will remain in effect until June 30, 2008.



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