This Web-based document was archived by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library.
Lt. Governor Photos
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Tim Pawlenty, Minnesota's Governor
Governor's Office
Lt. Governor Molnau
Lt. Governor Photos
Lt. Governor Photo Gallery
Lieutenant Governor Molnau participates in the Birds of Prey Show at the DNR Garden Stage at the Min... Lieutenant Governor Molnau participates in the Birds of Prey Show at the DNR Garden Stage at the Minnesota State Fair -- September 3, 2010
Lieutenant Governor Molnau participates in the show Lieutenant Governor Molnau participates in the show "How to Talk Minnesotan the Musical" at the Minnesota State Fair -- September 3, 2010
Lieutenant Governor Molnau speaks at the National Lieutenant Governors Association Annual Meeting --... Lieutenant Governor Molnau speaks at the National Lieutenant Governors Association Annual Meeting -- July 28, 2010
Lieutenant Governor Molnau meets with Vice Admiral John J. Donnelly during Navy Week -- July 22, 201... Lieutenant Governor Molnau meets with Vice Admiral John J. Donnelly during Navy Week -- July 22, 2010
Lieutenant Governor Molnau meets with the Miss Minnesota Contestants at the State Capitol -- June 14... Lieutenant Governor Molnau meets with the Miss Minnesota Contestants at the State Capitol -- June 14, 2010
Lieutenant Governor Molnau and her fishing host, Frank House return from fishing on Lake Kabetogama ... Lieutenant Governor Molnau and her fishing host, Frank House return from fishing on Lake Kabetogama -- May 15, 2010
Lt. Governor Photo Gallery Archives


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