This Web-based document was archived by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library.
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Lt. Governor Molnau
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Lt. Governor Photo Gallery
Lieutenant Governor Molnau speaks at a kick-off event to honor National Ag Week.  The event is hoste... Lieutenant Governor Molnau speaks at a kick-off event to honor National Ag Week. The event is hosted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture who is teaming up with Taher Food Service during Ag Week, March 16-20, to feature Minnesota products in cafes throughout the Capitol Complex -- March 16, 2009
Lieutenant Governor Molnau meets with Mr. Zygmunt Matynia, Consul General of the Republic of Poland ... Lieutenant Governor Molnau meets with Mr. Zygmunt Matynia, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago --February 19, 2009
Lieutenant Governor Molnau convenes the Senate for the 2009 Legislative Session.... Lieutenant Governor Molnau convenes the Senate for the 2009 Legislative Session.
Lt. Governor Photo Gallery Archives


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