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 I, TIM PAWLENTY, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and applicable laws do hereby issue this executive order:

 WHEREAS, there are approximately 440,000 veterans of the Armed Forces residing in Minnesota and over 25,000 Minnesotans are presently serving in the United States Armed Forces, including regular military forces as well as the National Guard and Reserves; and

 WHEREAS, as part of their military training, the majority of these servicemen and women receive extensive skills training in a broad range of technical areas that have direct civilian occupational counterparts and for which state licensure and academic degrees or certificates are required for these civilian occupations; and

 WHEREAS, in too many cases, Minnesota's licensure and certification processes do not appropriately recognize the experience and training provided through military service and, thereby act as an impediment or barrier to the integration of highly skilled veterans wanting to enter or reenter Minnesota's workforce and similarly, institutions of higher education sometimes do not appropriately provide academic credit for military courses and experience; and

 WHEREAS, the integration of these highly qualified veterans into the workforce is delayed when they are forced to repeat civilian-equivalent course work and training, or in some cases, these veterans choose to relocate to states that are regarded as more veteran-friendly than Minnesota; and

 WHEREAS, loss of this talented, disciplined, and highly trained group of veterans from Minnesota's workforce is counterproductive, unnecessary, and unacceptable.

 NOW, THEREFORE, I hereby order that:

1. Minnesota State Colleges and University System and all state licensing and certification boards must examine their current policies, rules, and procedures, as well as governing statutes, to identify any impediments and barriers to veterans seeking employment and education. 

a. These examinations must occur within 60 days following the date of this order. Areas of review are to include, but are not limited to, occupational licensure, certification, and higher education and training programs.

b. Institutions of higher education are to specifically examine their policies relating to providing college credit for formal military training and make every effort to appropriately recognize and provide credit to veterans for their prior military training and experience. 

c. The University of Minnesota and private colleges and universities are strongly encouraged to review their policies, procedures and rules to identify and remove barriers to veterans' employment and education including policies relating to providing credit for prior military training and experience.

2. To the extent permitted by law, all state departments and agencies must examine their current policies, rules, and procedures, as well as governing statutes, to identify any impediments and barriers to veterans seeking access to agency benefits or services.

3. Each state department and agency must consider needed revisions to any policies, rules, and procedures that constitute a barrier or impediment to veterans seeking employment and education in Minnesota.  Agencies should forward any proposed statutory changes necessary to achieve these goals to the Governor's Office for coordination.

4. State departments and agencies must identify, describe and provide recommendations regarding any impediments and barriers to veterans' employment, education and access to agency services and benefits that lie beyond the control of state government.

5. All agencies must report to the Governor's Military and Veterans' Support Cabinet within 60 days following the date of this order on the agency's progress in response to this order.  The Commissioner for the Department of Employment and Economic Development will be the lead cabinet member coordinating these reports and bringing the information to the cabinet.  The Commissioner will assign staff to assist and clarify, as needed. 

6. All agencies must provide updates by June 30 and December 31 each year to the Governor's Military and Veterans' Support Cabinet on the status and progress made in response to this order.

 Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 4.035, subdivision 2, this Executive Order will be effective fifteen (15) days after publication in the State Register and filing with the Secretary of State and will remain in effect in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 4.035, subdivision 3. 



   Copyright 2006 Office of Governor Tim Pawlenty


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