This Web-based document was archived by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library.
Department of Finance  

"The Department of Finance has a responsibility to taxpayers to maximize the value of every state dollar. Finance provides accurate and transparent information about the Minnesota and U.S. economies to the public and lawmakers, provides analysis of key issues that may influence or change the state's financial position, and moderates vigorous public debate about the delivery of state services and resources needed over the long-term. Finance also manages the state's $55 billion budget through our accounting and procurement systems. It is my honor to represent such a respected institution for the State of Minnesota."

-Tom Hanson,

Department Results
Office of Governor






Department of Finance

Mission Statements: Ensure the integrity of state fiscal resources. Support and challenge state decisionmakers to constantly increase the value per dollar of services provided to Minnesotans.
Learn more about the Department of Finance by visiting its Website or reading its agency profile.
Goal: Ensure the integrity of the state's fiscal resources
     Repeat audit findings
     Difference in Minnesota bond rate and AAA index rate
Goal: Respected organizations say that the state is fiscally well-managed
    Governing Magazine ratings on financial and capital management
    Maintain/regain state's AAA/Aaa bond rating
Goal: Improve accountability and the prudent use of state resources
    Percentage of vendor payments within 30 days
    Percentage of vendor payments paid electronically
    Satisfaction with Statewide Administrative System (MAPS and SEMA4)