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Governor Dayton Urges Legislature to Take Action on Urgently-Needed Legislation, Lays Out Parameters for a Timely, Productive Conclusion to the Legislative Session

4/23/2018 2:27:49 PM

With less than a month remaining, Governor Dayton lays out six parameters for negotiating a successful resolution to the Legislative Session


Governor Dayton also urges immediate action to protect Minnesota seniors; ensure the safety of our schoolchildren; address the opioid crisis and save lives; and stabilize the pensions of over 511,000 Minnesota workers and retirees


ST. PAUL, MN – Governor Mark Dayton today sent a letter to Legislative Leaders, urging immediate legislative action to address areas of bipartisan agreement, and urging Leaders to agree to parameters that will help ensure a productive, accountable resolution to the Legislative Session for the people of Minnesota.


“Conducting our work with higher measures of transparency and public accountability will produce better results for the people of Minnesota,” reads Governor Dayton’s letter. “And setting achievable, responsible deadlines for concluding our work is essential to avoid the last-minute confusion, clashes, and mistakes, which hinder needed progress, and of which Minnesotans are rightly tired.”


The Governor’s parameters for a successful end of session include: prioritizing transparency and accountability; making all offers in writing; making bills available for public review; including Commissioners and the Legislative Minority in negotiations; establishing unified positions between the House and Senate; and setting joint budget targets by May 11, 2018.


In addition to these parameters, Governor Dayton again reiterated his opposition to the inclusion of controversial policy provisions within budget bills, and stressed that he will not call a Special Session if agreement is not reached by the Constitutional deadline for the Legislature to adjourn.


Governor Dayton’s letter also calls for immediate action on bipartisan legislation to protect elderly and vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect; ensure the safety of our schoolchildren; address our state's opioid crisis and save lives; and stabilize the pensions of over 511,000 Minnesota workers and retirees.


To read Governor Dayton’s full letter, CLICK HERE.

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