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Statements from Governor Dayton and Lt. Governor Smith on U.S. House Health Care Vote

5/5/2017 9:42:36 AM

ST. PAUL, MN – This afternoon, the United States House of Representatives voted to approve the American Health Care Act (AHCA).
The following is a statement as delivered by Governor Mark Dayton this afternoon, in response to a question from a member of the press:
QUESTION: While you were in the room, the U.S. House passed its health care bill. Any general reaction? And on a second note, the bill allows states to opt out of covering pre-existing conditions, would you entertain that notion at all?
“I would not entertain that notion. I have not seen the details of the bill, but it is largely what it was before with things like this that they, the Tea Party extremists in the U.S. House, insisted upon. $8 billion, a fig leaf over the consequences of eliminating pre-existing conditions. I have not seen what it does to the Medicaid funding, but it would be draconian for Minnesota and almost every other state, which is why most governors are opposed to that part of the bill. Some of them cannot say that because of the politics, but you know, that is going to impact everybody.
“Saying they are going to give us more flexibility and then half the money, I mean that is not a good bargain. So we will have to see. Again, the Senate will have to take this up, and I do not think they are going to go along with all of this. They should not. And we will just have to see what comes forward before we start changing our practices or policies. I am not going to do that based on the House bill. 
“But it is an indication that they are going to really destroy a lot of health care security for thousands of Minnesotans, and millions of Americans. And they do not want to admit that, but that is why every health care organization came out in opposition to this new bill. They can see the writing on the wall, they see what the consequences are going to be. And they are going to be drastic, if and when they take effect.”
The following is a statement from Lt. Governor Tina Smith:
“Today's vote was a giant step backward for Minnesotans who need access to affordable healthcare. President Trump's plan puts at risk the healthcare of 2.3 million Minnesotans people who have preexisting health conditions. It threatens access to healthcare for 1.2 million Minnesotans who currently rely state programs for their health insurance. The Trump plan raises out-of-pocket costs for people who have health coverage through their employers, and it rolls back consumer protections for all Minnesotans. This bill especially threatens women’s healthcare, by allowing insurance companies to deny coverage for so-called preexisting conditions such as domestic abuse, sexual assault, and cesarean sections. This bill would also allow insurance companies to deny coverage for gynecological services and mammograms.

“Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 380,000 Minnesotans gained access to health insurance who did not have it before. The uninsured rate across our state has been cut in half, and dropped by 60 percent in Greater Minnesota. The ACA should be improved to lower prices for all Minnesotans. But the plan passed today by Republicans in Congress only lowers costs for the wealthiest Americans, at the expense of everyone else. This is ridiculous. Any health insurance reform considered in Washington or Saint Paul must put the interests of hard-working Minnesotans first.”
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