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Governor Dayton Issues Emergency Executive Order 15-06

4/10/2015 10:14:43 AM


Executive Order tightens statewide biosecurity critical to lowering risk of H5N2 avian influenza spread

ST. PAUL, MN - Today, Governor Mark Dayton signed Emergency Executive Order 15-06, delivering relief from regulations incorporated in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.87, pertaining to load restrictions on local and state highways and streets for poultry feed trucks, load-out trailers, and emergency operation equipment responding to the situation.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has identified that the increased number of trips resulting from seasonal load restrictions, specifically for poultry feed trucks, poultry load-out trailers, and emergency operation equipment used for high pathogenic avian influenza response, could potentially spread H5N2.

Minnesota is the largest producer of turkeys in the United States, said Governor Mark Dayton. To date, thirteen cases of this deadly avian influenza have been confirmed in our state. This Emergency Executive Order will improve our response to this terrible disease. We are doing everything we can to combat its devastating effects on any more Minnesota turkey growers.

A copy of the Emergency Executive Order can be /governor/assets/EO_15-06.pdf_tcm1055-93392.pdfdownloaded here.

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