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Remarks As Delivered by Governor Mark Dayton

9/17/2015 10:14:43 AM


Testimony on Behalf of the National Governor's Association, and the Council of Governors Before the National Commission on the Future of the Army

ST. PAUL, MN - Today, Governor Mark Dayton testified on behalf of the National Governor's Association and the Council of Governors before the National Commission on the Future of the Army. The following are his remarks as delivered:
"Chairman Ham, Vice Chairman Lamont, and distinguished members of the Commission, I am Governor Mark Dayton from Minnesota. I am pleased to appear before you today with my good friend Governor Branstad (except on days when the Hawkeyes are playing the Gophers) on behalf of the National Governors Association and the Council of Governors.

"I greatly appreciate your meeting with governors at NGA's summer meeting in July, and also while viewing installations around the country, including with me personally in Minnesota.

"Governors advocated for the creation of this Commission, and we look forward to continuing to work with you throughout your review of the future needs of the Total Army.

"As commanders-in-chief, governors appreciate the duties and responsibilities placed on the men and women of the National Guard and all of our military services.

"We understand the need to reorganize, restructure and modernize the military to meet new threats within present and future economic realities.

"We also understand the imperative to support the most effective means to achieve these goals.

"The Army Guard provides 39 percent of the U.S. Army's capability for 13 percent of its total budget.

"The Guard is an extremely cost-effective operational force that is critical to our national security, as well to governors' ability to respond to domestic emergencies.

"As both a United States Senator from 2001 through 2006, and now in my second term as Governor, I have witnessed the critical role of the National Guard in enabling our country to meet its military commitments in protracted engagements.

"In the Senate, I served on both the Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Homeland Security. Before the onset of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it was our country's publicly-stated military doctrine that we had the active-duty manpower and equipment to fight two and a half wars simultaneously.

"As those two wars continued, in Afghanistan and Iraq, the limits of that capacity were exceeded.

"Thank goodness we had, in Minnesota and other states, the well-trained and properly equipped National Guard units to fill those needs - not as temporary stopgaps, but rather as full and equal partners with our active military units.

"Since 9/11, Minnesota National Guardsmen and women have made over 26,000 deployments - some of them several times - to 33 different countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

"These mobilizations have clearly demonstrated the operational readiness, which the National Guard maintains across all critical military capabilities, to support national needs.

"This ability to serve both our states at home and our nation, when needed abroad, are why governors strongly believe the Guard must be allowed to continue as the fully-equipped and always-prepared combat reserve of the Army.

"That mission would be seriously compromised by the Army's proposals to take the AH-64 Apaches from the Army Guard and make significant cuts to its personnel. They are deeply troubling to governors, because of their long-term, irreversible nature, and their effects on our states and our national security.

"While only nine states have Army Guard Apaches, their transfer to the active component will affect many more states.

"The Total Army will experience a considerable and irreversible loss of combat experience.

"This was one of the concerns that led nearly every governor to sign a letter to the President last year strongly opposing the Army's budget proposal. We hope that this Commission will recognize the governors' concerns and will help to bring the Total Army together to address its challenges in partnership.

"On behalf of the nation's governors and the Council, I thank you for this opportunity to appear before you today, and I look forward to answering any questions you have.
A joint statement from Governor Mark Dayton and Governor Terry Branstad, submitted for the record, can be found on the National Governor's Association website.
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