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Governor Dayton Launches Minnesota's Adopt-A-School Initiative

2/14/2012 10:14:43 AM

Initiative seeks to cultivate, highlight partnerships between school districts and businesses

Saint Paul - Today, Governor Mark Dayton again asked businesses throughout Minnesota to take an active role in educating the state's youth by adopting a school. Standing with Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius, Governor Dayton launched Minnesota's Adopt-A-School initiative, presenting the first awards to Parasole Restaurant Group, TE Connectivity and Intermediate School District 287.

"Improving education is critical to getting Minnesota working again both now and in the future. Working to improve our system of education must be a shared responsibility that falls not just on our schools, but on partners in our communities as well. I am asking businesses across the state to partner with a local school and develop relationships with their teachers and administrators to find out what they need to be more effective for our children," said Governor Mark Dayton.

The event took place at South Education Center in Richfield, where businesses such as Parasole restaurants, TE Connectivity, Fairview Hospitals and Best Buy have already formed meaningful partnerships that offer a range of services, from grants for teen mothers to career training and certification.

Adopt-A-School is about businesses stepping up to the plate and doing their part to provide educational opportunities for our youth, Commissioner Brenda Cassellius said. As we see at South Education Center, each partnership will be different, based on the needs of that school, but each partnership will provide opportunities for students that would not have otherwise been possible.

To aid businesses and schools interested in creating successful partnerships, the Minnesota Department of Education has developed a tool kit offering a seven-step manual. Information and activities covered in the manual include tips considered essential for a successful partnership: the commitments, the group structure, and the types of activities that create conditions for quality partnerships that will help improve student learning and enhance school climate.

The tool kit, as well as a section where businesses and schools can share about their partnerships, can be found on the new Adopt-A-School website at:

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