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Governor Dayton Proclaims “HeForShe Day” in the State of Minnesota

9/24/2018 10:09:31 AM

I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis will be half-lit in red on Monday night, in honor and demonstration of the critical role women hold in our society
ST. PAUL, MN – Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed today, Monday, September 24, 2018, as “HeForShe Day” in the State of Minnesota. The proclamation recognizes the continued need to advocate for equal rights for women and girls, and aims to inspire people everywhere, including men and boys, to take action and become agents of change for gender equality. 
“HeForShe invites people around the world to stand together as equal partners to craft a shared vision of a gender-equal society, and implement specific, locally relevant solutions for the good of all humanity,” reads Governor Dayton’s proclamation. “Gender equity is not a women’s issue – it is a human rights issue.”
UN Women, the United Nations’ entity dedicated to gender equity, launched the HeForShe solidarity movement for gender equality in 2014. The campaign is a first of its kind effort to invite people worldwide, including men and boys, to engage as equal partners in the achievement of gender equality. Since its creation, the HeForShe has inspired millions of online and offline conversations, commitments to gender equality, actions, and events around the world.
You can find more information about the HeForShe campaign here.
In honor of HeForShe Day in the State of Minnesota and in coordination with other major landmarks and buildings across the world, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) will light in red only half of the Interstate 35W Bridge in Minneapolis on Monday night. The half-lit structures are a part of HeForShe’s demonstration to honor the critical role women serve in our societies. The action will represent the power lost when the world excludes women, half of the world’s population, from the conversation, the workplace, the home, or from society as a whole. 
Governor Dayton’s proclamation can be read here.
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