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Governor Dayton Signs Medical Marijuana Bill into Law

5/29/2014 10:14:43 AM

ST. PAUL, MN - Today, Governor Mark Dayton signed one bill into law.

  • Chapter 311, SF 247: This bill creates a patient registry under the Department of Health relating to the therapeutic use of medical cannabis. It authorizes the use of medical cannabis in limited forms for certain qualifying medical conditions and regulates the distribution and manufacture of medical cannabis. It also creates a task force to conduct an impact assessment on medical cannabis therapeutic research and provides for certain criminal and civil protections for parties involved in the registry program. This passed the House 89-40 and the Senate 46-16.

"I thank everyone who worked together to craft and pass this legislation." said Governor Dayton. "I pray it will bring to the victims of ravaging illnesses the relief they are hoping for."

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