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Statements from Governor Dayton and Lt. Governor Smith on President Trump’s Decision to Exit the Paris Climate Agreement

6/1/2017 3:33:07 PM

ST. PAUL, MN – President Donald J. Trump today announced his decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Below are statements from Governor Mark Dayton and Lt. Governor Tina Smith.
Governor Dayton:
“President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Change Agreement is terrible for our state, nation, and world. It will cause irreparable damage to our environment and our economy. It will withdraw the United States, the largest energy consumer in the world, from the collective efforts to reduce severe environmental damage before it is too late.
“As damaging as this decision will be, it will not deter our efforts here in Minnesota. We will show the world what we can achieve by working together to conserve energy, to use cleaner and renewable energy, and to leave a livable planet to our children and grandchildren.”
Lt. Governor Smith:
“Ten years ago, Minnesota enacted the bipartisan Next Generation Energy Act and proved that we can have affordable, reliable, and clean energy. This landmark legislation has strengthened Minnesota’s economy, supports 15,000 clean energy jobs, and contributes over $1 billion in economic activity to Minnesota every year. It has also reduced air pollution, improved health, and reduced harmful greenhouse gasses.
“Now, because of bipartisan leadership and a sustained effort, more than 21 percent of Minnesota's electricity comes from renewable sources. We have made that progress while keeping electricity reliable and at affordable prices. Despite the President’s executive order today, we are not done yet. Minnesotans have proven that we can set ambitious goals, and work together to achieve them. We can and must do more.
“This year we missed an opportunity to raise Minnesota’s Renewable Energy Standard goal to 50 percent by 2030. A ‘50 by 30’ goal will improve air quality, continue to drive down the cost of renewable energy, and generate thousands of new energy jobs. It will make Minnesota more competitive and bring us closer to reaching our 2030 goals for reducing carbon pollution. I urge legislators on both sides of the aisle to consider implementing this important goal next session.”
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