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Governor Dayton dedicates I-94 expansion project from St. Michael to Rogers

10/13/2015 10:14:43 AM


Uses Corridors of Commerce funding to improve freight flow in the area

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton and area local officials gathered in Rogers, Minn., today to dedicate the expansion of Interstate 94 from four to six lanes between Highway 241 and Highway 101 northwest of the Twin Cities metropolitan area.
"This is project is one example of the type of infrastructure improvement we need to do to support our state's economy," said Minnesota Department of Transportation Commissioner Charlie Zelle. "Our transportation system needs to support the smooth and reliable flow of freight and employees commuting to work. The Corridors of Commerce program is intended to do just that."
The $28.3 million dollar project included adding a lane on each side of the roadway, expanding bridges to accommodate the lanes, extending acceleration/deceleration lanes and building a noise wall on the north side of the roadway near Rogers.
"Minnesota needs a long-term, sustainable funding strategy for transportation. It will allow us to complete important projects, such as expanding I-94 farther west," Zelle said. "The longer we put off addressing the transportation funding issue, the more expensive, and extensive, the work we need to do will become. And regional businesses as well as motorists heading north and west to Minnesota's lake country will continue to experience traffic congestion on the weekends."
Zelle also noted the strong support of area legislators and the advocacy work of the I-94 West Coalition.
"We need to continue to sound the call for transportation funding, be it for individual projects, such as this one, or the greater needs we see on a statewide basis," he said. "The work the coalition and others have done has been invaluable."
Corridors of Commerce is a $330 million program intended to fund projects that improve roadways with significant freight and commercial use. Funding for these projects would be delayed for years if they were included in Minnesota's regular road construction program. To date, 27 projects have or will be funded.
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