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Fulfilling his promise to reform and improve the way Minnesota government works, Governor Tim Pawlenty today unveiled legislation that would enact his plan for "Performance Pay for Politicians."  The Governor was joined by House and Senate leaders and bill authors Representative Matt Dean (R-Stillwater) and Senator Sean Nienow (R-Cambridge) at a State Capitol press conference unveiling the bill.   

"Ordinary Minnesotans don't get paid if they don't get their work done, and the same rules should apply for politicians," Governor Pawlenty said.  "The world is moving towards payment based on results.  We should hold ourselves to the same standard here at the Capitol.  I'm hopeful this bill will be passed early this session." 

The Governor announced that the bill would be kept on a desk in the Governor's Reception Room for a week with a sign-up sheet next to it for legislators to record their support. 

"We can show Minnesotans that this legislative session is off to a positive and productive start by enacting this constructive reform," House Speaker Steve Sviggum said.  "We've heard the message loud and clear from citizens around Minnesota - get the job done and go home." 

"Let's be positive. Let's get 'er done," Senate Republican Leader Dick Day said.

The bill holds legislators and the Governor accountable by requiring legislative work to be completed on time or face real consequences.  The key element of the plan is:

- In the odd-numbered year of the legislative session, if the legislature does not pass a budget by the constitutional adjournment date, legislators and the Governor would forfeit their salaries for the month of June.

If a budget is not completed by June 30 of the odd-numbered year, additional penalties would be incurred:

- Legislators and the Governor would forfeit their salaries for July and August or until the month after a budget is completed it if occurs after September 1.

These provisions also apply to a supplemental budget in even numbered years if a budget is required to correct a projected shortfall. 

"Unfortunately, constitutional and fiscal year deadlines don't provide the necessary incentives to complete legislative work on time.  We have had nine special sessions in the past eleven years and it hasn't mattered which parties controlled the legislature or Governor's office," Governor Pawlenty said.  "Cutting off pay if the job isn't done will help ensure Minnesota doesn't face this problem ever again."



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