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As part of an ongoing effort to track down and lock up sex offenders, Governor Tim Pawlenty today announced a statewide effort to identify, locate and apprehend 1,349 predatory offenders who have failed to comply with state registration requirements.

"These offenders pose a potential safety risk to Minnesota communities," Governor Pawlenty said. "We are announcing a large-scale, statewide effort to find them.  This effort will engage the public and call to action criminal justice professionals statewide to bring this group of offenders into compliance."

The Governor's proposal will help protect the public by:
 Posting all non-compliant predatory offenders on the Internet
 Targeting criminal justice efforts to apprehend non-compliant offenders
 Establishing a public awareness campaign to highlight "Most Wanted" non-compliant offenders

"In 2005, our comprehensive crime initiative to lock up many predatory offenders in prison - including life sentences for the worst offenders - was enacted," Governor Pawlenty said. "However, we need to track down predatory offenders who refuse to register as required by law."  

Internet Posting of Non-Compliant Predatory Offenders
Minnesota law requires predatory offenders to register with the Department of Corrections and local law enforcement agencies following conviction for serious crimes such as criminal sexual conduct and kidnapping.

Currently, approximately 17,000 predatory offenders, including sex offenders, are required to register under Minnesota law.

In addition to other measures to track offenders, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) mails a verification form to the offender's last reported address annually.  Information about the offender may be made available to the public if the form is not signed and returned to the BCA within ten days. A person who knowingly violates any provision of the registration law or provides false information to law enforcement may face felony charges and immediately becomes non-complaint.

The Governor announced that the state will post on the Internet all non-compliant offenders so that the public will know who is in violation of the terms of their release.  The website can be found at

"Although Minnesota's compliance rate is higher than nearly all other states, more can be done," Governor Pawlenty said.  "Public accountability is a proven method to encourage non-compliant offenders to comply and keep compliant offenders law abiding."      

Targeted Criminal Justice Efforts 
The best way to significantly reduce the non-compliant predatory offender numbers is through focused law enforcement and criminal justice efforts.

"I'm calling on all local law enforcement and local prosecutors, with the help of state agents, to focus resources and track down every possible non-compliant offender living in their communities," Governor Pawlenty said.

Members of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, Minnesota Sheriffs Association, and Minneapolis and St. Paul Police Departments have committed to the effort. 

To help local law enforcement with their responsibility to enforce registration requirements, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) will provide overtime funds through June 30 for law enforcement to assign extra officers to this effort.  Criteria for the overtime funding and grant application process is available through DPS.  

"The message to these offenders is simple - if you are out of compliance, you had better get into compliance, because we are coming to get you," state Governor Pawlenty. 

"Most Wanted" Offenders Public Awareness Campaign
To further engage the public in this important public safety effort, the Governor is directing the BCA to provide a monthly profile of "Most Wanted" non-compliant offenders. 

"Citizens know who lives and works in their communities," Governor Pawlenty said.  "Their assistance in tracking down these offenders will be extremely helpful." 

Recent media efforts have helped locate fugitives.  Public awareness also has a ripple effect on all other non-compliant offenders.  Public exposure is an effective incentive that often causes other offenders to report their whereabouts.



   Copyright 2006 Office of Governor Tim Pawlenty


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