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SenateMeeting canceledThursday, May 18, 2023 12:00 AM or At the Call of the Chair

Conference Committee on S.F. 1384

Location: G-3 Capitol

Chairs: Sen. Erin P. Murphy and Rep. Sandra Feist

Senate Conferees: Murphy, Boldon, Abeler
House Conferees: Feist, Davids, Berg

The Conference Committee on SF 1384 will not reconvene today 5/18, and will instead reconvene tomorrow 5/19 at the call of the chair. The House will have the gavel on 5/19.



This calendar displays meetings that are listed on the House and Senate calendar pages. This includes meetings from the House (2007-present), the Senate (2009-present), and the Commissions, Joint Committees and Task Forces and Working Groups (2011-present).
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