This Web-based document was archived by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library.
Minnesota Milestones 2010: Diabetes
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Indicator 15: Diabetes

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Goal: Minnesotans will be healthy.
Rationale: Diabetes can cause premature death from heart disease and other complications. It can also be disabling.
About this indicator: In 1995, 3.5 percent of survey respondents in Minnesota had diabetes. This grew to 6.4 percent by 2009. In the survey, respondents are asked if they have ever been told by a doctor that they have diabetes. Although year-to-year changes may not be statistically significant, the long-term trend has been upwards.
Confidence Interval (high) of Percent told by a doctor they have diabetes
Percent told by a doctor they have diabetes, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Edit trend | Edit data
Confidence Interval (low) of Percent told by a doctor they have diabetes, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Edit trend | Edit data
Confidence Interval (high) of Percent told by a doctor they have diabetes, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Edit trend | Edit data
% told by a doctor they have diabetes Confidence Interval low Confidence Interval high
19953.1% 2.5 3.7
19964.5% 3.8 5.2
19973.9% 3.3 4.5
19984.7% 4.0 5.4
19994.8% 4.2 5.4
20004.9% 4.0 5.8
20014.4% 3.7 5.1
20024.9% 4.2 5.6
20035.5% 4.8 6.2
20045% 4.3 5.7
20055.8% 4.9 6.7
20065.7% 5.0 6.4
20075.7% 4.9 6.5
20085.9% 5.2 6.6
20096.4% 5.7 7.1
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For comparison: The median rate among all states was 8.3 percent. No national average was provided. Minnesota had the lowest diabetes prevalence rate among states.
Local data:

Milestones is a product of the Minnesota State Demographic Center, a division of the Department of Administration